Propane Locker (Part 2)

Oh, glorious, glorious sanding.... (thanks Mads!!) We're back at it. Working on the propane locker that is. I try to limit my exposure to grinding fibreglass as i had a bad reaction to heavy fibreglass grinding when I was a teenager (allergic reaction, my face swelled up like a chipmunk) One of the problems with building anything with corners using a male plug mold is you tend to get a build up of fibreglass at the corners and a smooth finish on the inside and rough finish on the outside. Most of the rough finish can be dealt with using a nice 7inch disc sander ( HF has a nice cheap one that has lasted me 5 years so far!!) After demolding and initial grinding. I realised that there was substantial flare out the the bottom corner where sides wrapped around to the form the bottom and the bottom layers had wrapped up to the sides (rookie mistake I should have known this would happen). Also because I used 1708 knitted fabric, the ...